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2023 - 2024 Biennial Report

The Washington State Women's Commission was established to gather data and make policy recommendations regarding issues pertaining to women in Washington, including matters of health, safety, economic security & opportunity, and intersectional equity. 

This biennial report provides a review of the Commission's work in the past two years (2023-2024). The report serves to:

  1. Introduce Commission staff, Commissioners, and Legislative Advisors.
  2. Outline the critical issues challenges faced by women in Washington, particularly in the realm of economic equity.
  3. Summarize the data the Commission has gathered regarding
    1. Washingtonians' experience with the complex causes of pay inequity
    2. Gender diversity of WA public companies' corporate boards since the implementation of the Women On Corporate Boards Act
    3. The outcomes of our first Activate 3.8 Pay Equity Tour events
  4. Highlight our approach to improving wraparound services and workplace conditions for women through policy. 
  5. Identify our policy agenda for the 2025 Legislative Session, and other priorities for the Commission over the next few years.


Read and download the 2023-2024 Washington State Women's Commission Biennial Report here.


2023-2024 Washington State Women's Commission Biennial Report; image of group of women smiling; WSWC logo in bottom left corner.