Our Vision

Every woman and girl is healthy, safe, prosperous, and empowered to achieve their full potential.

Our Mission

The Washington State Women’s Commission improves the life of every woman by ensuring equitable opportunities and removing systemic barriers through engagement, advocacy, and public policy, while being inclusive of our diverse populations.


Our Director

Acting Director Kathleen Drew

Kathleen has over 30 years of experience working in state and local government. In 1992, Kathleen became the youngest woman elected to the State Senate in state history. During her four-year term she sponsored and passed landmark legislation on ethics, transportation, and salmon. Kathleen chaired the Natural Resources Committee and served on Higher Education, Government Operations, Transportation and Ways and Means Committees. For the past seven years, Kathleen chaired the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council which sites major energy projects in Washington. Prior to that, she led the... more

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